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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Flakes made of Soap

I'm ready. Let the snow fly. I've got extra coffee (3 bags as Christmas gifts, do they know me or what?), picked up a few groceries, a pile of books from the library and you know, a stack of movies to be watched. 

Films in snow, not always thought of as a good thing, reminds us too much of  the dread of winter, but these are too good to pass up: 

"Kitchen Stories" (2003) - A feat of magic how a film set in a frozen snow world with very little people can  be so delightfully fun. Nothing happens. Its wonderful. 

"Let the Right one In" (2008) - Spooky, creepy, cold, not visually pretty in anyway. Kinda gross. But what fun. Don't watch this alone, or at night, or with kids in the house. (I haven't seen the american version- but definitely watch this one first). 

"Doctor Zhivago" (1965) - Okay, not as completely snow covered as the first two, but who wouldn't love to watch Omar Shariff in that gorgeous winter hat and coat? Beautiful landscapes, tragedy, clothes to covet and the only movie mustache I ever thought of as sexy. This is another 'watchable' film- after seeing it, you are compelled every 10 years or so to see it again. (Bring tissues) 

1 comment:

film_maven said...

hahaha- I just read this- I meant "Very few people" not "LITTLE people".......tee hee